Puzzle taker vs simulated opponent
by dymitrruta - Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 10:43:26

Dear Organizers, I assumed so far that the puzzle taker is the one moving first as it plays against the simulated opponent, and the numerous initial move blunders seem to support it. This logic fails however on the puzzle ID:00DPQ (row#212), also available here: https://lichess.org/AKiNfVd0#38. We have whites' turn while they are already in an unavoidable mate in 1 move and have the only 1 legal move available before it happens. So whites are in an unwinnable situation hence the puzzle does not make sense to whites and it only makes sense that the Blacks are the puzzle takers since they are in control of the game can win or "however silly it could be" still lose. The low rating of 769 for this puzzle also supports the conclusion that it is an extremely easy puzzle for Blacks to win. Could you please explain it? Cheers

RE: Puzzle taker vs simulated opponent - replay
by shoggoth - Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 16:58:40

Good observation @ dymitrruta from the Rh2 move and the definition of the column "moves", I think the puzzle is for black, it doesn't matter if the player made a good or bad move, all that matters is the evaluation of the puzzle after the last move made by the player because there are players who may not see Qxh2#
I hope one of the organizers will explain this observation thank you

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RE: Puzzle taker vs simulated opponent
by houellebecq - Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 17:51:50

Hi, in chess puzzles online you're usually presented the opponent's move before you're to play your first move - I believe all of the puzzles in the data provided follow this schema, so the side marked to move is actually the one you play against, and then the very last move in the list of moves is yours, which would also follow the practice.

RE: Puzzle taker vs simulated opponent
by dymitrruta - Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 18:04:47

Cool, thx guys, should have read the "Moves" field definition more carefully.