Thank you for participating!
by andrzej - Sunday, May 26, 2024, 23:24:19


Our competition has officially ended. In total, we had 194 teams with over 250 participants and the number of submissions was nearly 3000. Thank you for your contributions!

We will publish the final results within the next few days and we will send the special session invites by June 2.

Stay tuned :-)


RE: Thank you for participating!
by nxgtr - Monday, May 27, 2024, 13:50:55

Thank you for organizing! Always fun and interesting.

RE: Thank you for participating!
by davidmingliu - Thursday, May 30, 2024, 09:14:07

Dear Andrzej and the organizing team,

I deeply appreciate your efforts in putting together such a remarkable and overwhelming competition. Interestingly, I had envisioned a preliminary leaderboard score of around 0.5* two months ago, and managed to push it past 0.6* by the final day, though this likely came at the expense of the model's stability, so guess I will go either heaven or hell. :-)

Well, "Play to win but enjoy the fun", as Carlos mentioned. @Carlos, I'm sorry I missed the opportunity to meet you at the last conference in Australia; I hope we can catch up someday.

Many thanks again and best regards,