Meaning of win-rate
by marseel - Saturday, April 14, 2018, 14:30:36

Hi everyone,

I would like to understand how the win rate was computed.

Task description only says "The participants of the competition are asked to predict win-rates of 200 Hearthstone decks described in the file testDecks.json..."

How exactly was the win rate computed for particular bot and deck? Was it computed based on games between all AI bots and all testing decks and averaged later?

If so, how many times each game (AI1, AI2, deck1, deck2) was played?


Re: Meaning of win-rate
by janek - Monday, April 16, 2018, 11:09:11


for each combination of bot/test deck, we measured the percentage of wins in games against the decks/bots from the training set. Opponents were chosen at random, but the distribution of games with particular bots was not uniform - it was similar to the distribution of games in the training set.


Re: Meaning of win-rate
by podludek - Friday, April 20, 2018, 12:11:21

So for every pair bot/test deck matches were played with all decks from training set but with random bot? Is it correct?

Re: Meaning of win-rate
by podludek - Wednesday, April 25, 2018, 10:21:36

Could you provide exact information about goal of predicion? Its 11 days before final deadline and the exact solution score evaluation is unclear.

My doubts is if all pair deck/test bot play with ALL training decks but with random bot?

Without training data directly corresponding to win-rate score modeling without this knowledge is purposeless.

Re: Meaning of win-rate
by janek - Thursday, April 26, 2018, 14:09:00


for each game that was used to compute the win-rates for test records, both a bot and a deck from the training set were chosen at random. 
